Mark Troy is fascinated by the big questions—What happens when we die? Does God exist? What is our purpose?

His passion is inspiring people to be independent and creative thinkers and humanitarians. As a psychic medium, Mark serves as the bridge of communication between those in the spirit world and loved ones in the physical world. He spends his time providing evidential mediumship to those looking to communicate and coaching people into self-actualization.

Mark loves that his work can release people from conventional thinking and belief systems and inspire them to live their lives in whatever way they choose.

For a long time, his passion for helping others through mediumship was part time job. One day, Mark just had this feeling come over him; it was a “knowing” that all these other jobs people labeled as normal or stable were just not something that he was born to do. This is the when Mark really began his grey journey. Read on to learn more from Mark!

What does living in the grey mean to you? 

Living in the grey means doing what brings you most joy. Everyone has something they love to do. When we do anything that makes us happy, that expression of joy is the root of creation. Combining your passion and your work together creates a life that is in harmony and more in balance. When your passion is your work, you are truly alive. 

Do you have a boundary between work and life? If so, how do you define it?

There is little separation between my passion and my work. My work as a psychic medium requires being completely present. It is easy to be completely present and in the moment when your work moves you, inspires you and others. When you have fun in life, time stands still, and you surrender completely to the moment. 

What’s the first thing you read in the morning? 

Personal messages from friends or family via email or text. But there after, I read inspiring and uplifting stories, quotes or thoughts from anyone I am friends or network with. 

What are three things you make sure you do everyday?  

I write gratitude statements about things in life we often take for granted, engage in deep listening with everyone I interact with, and stay completely present in every moment. I try to make sure I incorporate those things daily. If you are thankful for the things and people you love, you truly have everything you need.

Do you have a motto? 

“True knowledge comes from experience.” The motto appeared to me when I needed to really understand the purpose to life, why we need to live here, and to appreciate the gift of living. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Don’t listen to the criticism nor the praise of others too much when it comes to your life. Good and bad are relative terms, just focus on being the best “you” can be. 

What advice do you have for others beginning their grey journey?

Don’t worry about how it’s going to all work out or how the story will end. This life you are living is all about the journey, not the destination. You will never be able to sustain your passion and your creativity if you are always looking into the future. Just enjoy that you are doing what you love as much as you can. 

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