January 1, 2013

Welcome to Live In The Grey!

Live in the Grey (LITG) is about how to blend your personal and professional passions in order to achieve a happy and fulfilled life. It’s a concept that embraces “risk” as a positive venture and rewards action. The idea started with Maneesh K.Goyal. Ten years ago, when Maneesh founded MKG, a pioneering marketing agency focused on experience, he didn’t start with a strategy or a plan but simply a desire to wake up daily and do something he loves so much that it doesn’t feel like work. Along the way, Maneesh has defined this approach to life- to blend work and play, to make colleagues friends, and friends colleagues, to love what you do - as living in the grey. Together, along with a very good friend, David Munczinski, we are now launching LITG in the hopes that we can build a community for like-minded folks.

We started by creating the LITG philosophy…which you can see here.

This site will have original content—including “Q&A”-style interviews with some awesome folks that we think are already “Living in the Grey” themselves—mixed with a blend of curated news bits and ideas will be  updated daily. If you aren’t yet “living the grey” (and aim to), we’re hoping the site motivates you to take steps in that direction. If you are already there, we’re hoping you find a place for continued inspiration and excitement (and some awesome reading).

Candidly, we aren’t quite sure where this will all go…but, that’s OK. We hope that it has the capacity to motivate and inspire…and the rest will unfold. We’re glad you’re here. Click around. Stay awhile.

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