We’re pleased to introduce you to Greymate, Jack McDaniel. Jack recently wrote To My Daughter Upon Graduating High School and shared it with us because he felt it offered a great lesson to our community.

Check out this excerpt of Jack’s letter:

To my daughter upon graduating high school,

I have many expectations of you, not the least of which is this: I expect you to fail. A lot, and often.

I don’t say this because I am angry or doubtful of your future. Quite the opposite. I say this because I love you and only want the best for you.

Failure – true failure – isn’t the lack of success. It’s the inability to start.

Failure – true failure – isn’t the lack of success. It’s the inability to start. Some like to view this starting point as a leap of faith. But faith has nothing to do with it. Faith is pretending to know something you don’t know. You won’t need to pretend. The knowledge is yours; it is in you already. You will only need to trust yourself.

What did your parents teach you about failure?

Jack McDaniel is a writer and artist whose essays have appeared in various places online and in print, including: Tiny Lights, Technorati and Storybook. He currently lives in Colorado with his teenage daughter. You can read more here: http://www.agentsoftheundertow.com

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