January 8, 2013

Is It “Too Late” To Follow Your Passion?

Do you think you’re too old to start doing what you really love? Best-selling author, speaker and entrepreneur Marie Forleo digs deep into your insecurities and prompts you to face your fears:

Saying, ‘I’m too old for that’ is one of the biggest BS excuses we tell ourselves. So why do we do it? To hide from the fear and insecurity that comes with being a beginner. Is age really the problem, or is it simply our excuse du jour? When we dig deep, we find that age is just a really big rock to hide under. Age encompasses our greater fears: money fears, failure fears, instability fears – you get the picture. If we’re honest, the age excuse is a really easy way to let ourselves off the hook from doing something that scares us.

Forleo draws on personal experience to show you why there’s no such thing as being “late” in the game. Check out the full article where she also provides you with a step-by-step guide to take action now.

Are you ready to do something different?

[Image: Stephanie Bassos]

1 Comment

  • Katherine S.

    Forleo’s assessment of regret is such a powerful one, because even to this day do I still regret those passions I didn’t follow as a child. But the last story she presented of Pippa Blake was truly remarkable..it actually gave me goosebumps!

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