Jeff Raider

In this series we invite you to meet and learn from thinkers, doers, and believers who find success by actively living in the grey.

Jeff Raider likes to improve people’s daily lives in small ways by building brands that offer high quality products at accessible prices. Jeff is currently the co-founder and co-CEO of Harry’s, a new brand of high-quality men’s shaving and grooming products sold directly to consumers. Jeff is also a co-founder of Warby Parker, the transformative lifestyle brand offering designer eyewear at a revolutionary price while leading the way for socially-conscious businesses.

We caught up with Jeff to ask him a few questions about how he lives in the grey.

LITG: What does living in the grey mean to you?

Jeff: It means that my work and life blend. I love what I do. I look forward to it. So for me, boundaries around “work and fun” blur. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing everyday then what I actually do.

Do you have a boundary between work and life? If so, how do you define it?

Having a 22 month old son helps there. When I’m with him, I don’t “work” in the traditional sense. I’m just focused on spending time with him.

Who is a mentor of yours and why?

My mom is a pretty strong mentor. She’s launched and built companies, but also was incredibly dedicated to family. She’s done what she’s loved and worked hard at it, but always been foremost committed to family.

What’s the first thing you read in the morning?

Email. Twitter feed. Baby books (sometimes accompanied by 2 year old, sometimes not).

What are three things you make sure you do everyday?

- Tell my wife and son I love them.
- Tell our Harry’s team I love them.
- Shave.

Do you work differently than you did one year ago?

Definitely. A year ago we were still working to build Harry’s ahead of launch. It was incredibly exciting but uncertain. Days were filled with imparting a vision and dreaming about what could be. We hadn’t yet built our team. So, I was very independent, my schedule was less regimented and I did things like workout in the middle of the day.

Now, our vision has (at least in part) become a reality. We have a 25 person team and growing! I spend much of the day with them, still trying to impart vision but also working much more collaboratively to continue to build our company and brand.

Both are equally amazing. Both were exactly what I wanted to be doing at the time.

How do you ensure your intentions become actions?

Be clear. Repeat them. Get buy-in. Set realistic deadlines for action both for myself and others.


Meet more members of the Live in the Grey Community:
Holly Ronan, boutique proprietor for Benefit Cosmetics
Charlene Lite, musician and yoga Instructor

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