Guest Blogger Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post to Live in the Grey! We appreciate your desire to help others in the community #LiveGrey.
This FAQ is designed to guide you through the writing, formatting and submitting process. Following these guidelines will ensure our collaboration is as smooth as possible. If you’d like to submit a guest post, please READ THESE GUIDELINES FIRST and then pitch content manager, Nidhi Thapar ([email protected]).
What should I write about?
- Introduce us to your way of living in the grey.
- How are your experiences relevant to the Live in the Grey philosophy?
- Provide a specific experience/mentor/time in your life that helped you to find your grey area.
Here are a few examples of great guest posts: 3 Easy Ways to Blend Work and Play, Discovering Passion Takes Patience
What should I keep in mind while writing?
- How did the experience impact you/ help you to live in the grey?
- What can others learn from your personal experience?
- Whether you’re a lawyer, a musician, a doctor or teacher etc, how can you use your own story to relate to individuals following other career paths?
- For people who are interested in pursuing your field, what additional advice can you offer them?
Should I pitch my ideas to Live in the Grey before I begin writing?
Yes, we encourage this! It will make the writing and editing process easier for everyone.
How long should my post be?
Shoot for between 600- 800 words. Focus more on the important message/lessons of your experiences rather than the specific details about what happened. This way, your story will be relatable to everyone.
Please aim to write your post in blog style, with short paragraphs. Blog readers tend to have a short attention span so please try to introduce the point early in your piece.
Is it okay to include links in the post?
Yes! We love links- as long as they’re relevant to your post! Just be sure to insert links in your copy as hyperlinks (no HTML).
Should I have a headline?
Headlines are a great way to capture the attention of readers. Don’t hesitate to add one!
How should I format the piece?
Please format so visually, the post is easy on the eyes. This means short paragraphs, headers, bold, italics, bullet points, etc.
Will my post be edited?
Yes, but if you follow these guidelines, the editing process should be minimal. We will have you approve the edits before your piece is posted on the site.
Can I add photographs?
We love visuals. Feel free to add a photograph for your piece.
What should my bio say?
Each guest post will be accompanied by a one or two sentence bio. Feel free to include a link to your website, Twitter handle or wherever you want to send readers. Please send a picture of yourself to include with your bio.