The Live Grey Ambassador Program is a collective of grey individuals dedicated to spreading the Live in the Grey message and helping others to blend their personal and professional lives. This series offers some of the wisdom they have to share as they progress on their journey.

How do you translate your intentions into actions?

Reciting mantras and re-reading to do lists that will move me closer toward my goals. The clearer I am about the practical aspects of the philosophy that is guiding me, the better I am when it comes to execution.

What’ part of your morning ritual would you recommend to others?

Meditation. Spend time finding your center each morning so that you know how to quickly regain your balance when the ups and downs of life occur. That silence is where the best version of you is discovered and nurtured.

What’s the best piece of advice you have for someone beginning their grey journey?

Don’t mistake desire for willpower.

What principle or goal is guiding you in your life right now?

We are what we repeatedly do.

Jelani currently sits on the LITG Leadership Board. Learn more about Jelani on his blog or follow him on Twitter.

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